Considering Home Dialysis? 3 Factors That May Affect Your Decision


Many people with kidney failure require dialysis to stay alive. If you need to have dialysis, there are options to have your treatments at home, which can make it easier to stay with your treatment regimen and have fewer intrusions in your life. Options For Peritoneal Dialysis Most people think of hemodialysis because it is the most commonly used method of replacing lost kidney function. Peritoneal dialysis is another method used that can be similarly effective and might be an option if you would prefer to do dialysis at home.

26 June 2018

Additional Safety Gear For Medicine Handling When Using A CSTD


A closed-system drug transfer device (CSTD) helps stop liquid medications from leaking out of tubing and other containers during administration. However, medical professionals should not assume that the CSTD is foolproof and will always work correctly. Additional safety gear is necessary, and it's not always enough to go for the standard pair of nitrile gloves. The type of medication you're handling also needs to be taken into account. Two Pairs of Appropriate Gloves

12 June 2018

The Amazing Flexibility Of Digital X-Ray Machines: What They Can Do Now


Madame Curie and her husband were responsible for the further explanation and application of radiation and the invention of the first portable x-ray machines. Since WWI, x-ray machines have come a very long way. They are now safer to use than they ever were, reducing the amount of radiation to which patients are exposed. The technology has also advanced. Newer, more modern digital x-ray machines have so many more applications and flexibility of use, and they produce images that are instantly downloaded to a computer screen so that they can be read almost immediately.

4 June 2018

Why Pet Anesthesia Machines Are Necessary When Your Dog Tears Their ACL


Your pet dog probably loves running around, playing, jumping, and having a great time. Unfortunately, all of that fun play time can lead to serious injuries, such as a torn ACL. When this injury occurs, your dog is going to need surgery and a pet anesthesia machine to stay healthy. Dogs Can Also Tear Their ACL Though you have likely heard of people, particularly athletes, tearing the ACL in their knee, it's not a situation that you may have applied to your pet.

2 June 2018

5 Reasons To Keep An Accurate Inventory Of Medical Equipment For Maintenance Purposes


Regardless of whether you're in charge of a single small doctor's office or a hospital with multiple wings and treatment facilities, you need a maintenance plan to keep every piece of equipment working properly with minimal downtime. Every maintenance plan is built on the base of a thorough inventory so you can plan the correct time frame for maintaining each unit according to its specific needs. These five benefits of a full equipment inventory will convince you to complete the task before starting your new medical equipment maintenance plan.

29 May 2018

Accessories You'll Need To Keep Your Portable Defibrillator Operational


A portable defibrillator could save someone's life. You should consider having one in your building no matter what kind of business you operate. However, if you have a defibrillator, then you'll want people trained in its use, and you'll also want accessories so that the unit is always ready for an emergency. Here's a look at some of the things you'll need for your defibrillator. Contact Pads To use a portable defibrillator, you attach pads to the person's chest.

28 May 2018

Which CPAP Mask Is Right For You?


Sleep apnea can have a negative effect on your quality of life. Sleeping with a CPAP mask allows you to maintain a steady flow of oxygen and get the rest that you need to function normally throughout the day. The mask that you use with your CPAP machine can greatly affect your comfort as you attempt to sleep each night. Finding the right CPAP mask will help you overcome any limitations your CPAP machine might place on the quality of your rest in the future.

24 May 2018